All funds and plans purchased for use in Campus Meal Plan are for the personal use of the owner of the account or plan only and are non-transferable. The Campus Meal Plan funds and plans cannot be used as a gift card or gift certificate. Except as otherwise expressly stated in these terms, all Campus Meal Plan funds and plans are non-refundable and will expire at the earlier of the last day of enrollment or employment, as applicable, or the last day of the current semester.

Campus Meal Plan funds are non-refundable. Unused Campus Meal Plan balances expire on May 31st.

Refund Policy:

All website purchases are considered to be final. Exceptions will be made for processing errors. All refunds for processing errors will be refunded to the credit card used for the purchase.
  • Plan #1 - Maximum cash refund is $300 less the amount of money spent by the student at off-campus partners. 50% of the year-end balance will be automatically credited to the meal card for the next academic year.
    Example: Katie has meal plan #1. The year-end balance on her meal card is $500, and she has spent no money (0$) off-campus. Katie's refund would be $400 ($400 - 0 =$300) and she would have $50 (50% of the remaining balance) placed on her card for next year.

  • Plan #2 - Maximum cash refund is $500 less the amount of money spent by the student at off-campus partners. 50% of the remaining balance will be automatically credited to the meal card for the next academic year.
    Example: Mike has meal plan #2. The year-end balance on his meal card is $500, and he has spent $450 off-campus. Mike's refund would be $150 ($600 - 450 = $150) and he would have $175 (50% of the remaining balance after deduction of cash refund) placed on his card for next year.

  • Plan #3 - Maximum cash refund is $700 less the amount of money spent by the student at off-campus partners. 50% of the remaining balance will be automatically credited to the meal card for the next academic year.
    Example: Peter's year-end balance on his meal card is $650, and he has spent $300 off- campus. Peter's refund would be $500 ($800 -300 = $500) and he would have $75 (50% of the remaining balance after deduction of cash refund) placed on his card for next year.


All balances remaining on the meal card as of  May 1, 2016 will be automatically placed on the student's meal card for the start of the next school year. Requests for cash refunds must be made in the Thames Market prior to April 30, 2016.